Male potency is an important component of the health of every male organism. Most of men in the life put on the foreground and very panic if suddenly in a bed with the partner, something didn't turn out. Fortunately, modern methods and methods of treatment allow for the first manifestations of the disease, cure it and right now we will talk about one drug that quickly restores sexual dysfunction of men.
Sildenafil citrate is available in tablets, which are coated with a special membrane. The package contains one or more blisters of one tablet or four tablets on one such blister. There is in each package an instruction on the use of a remedy that has a therapeutic effect.
Sildenafil helps to restore the lost sexual arousal. When taking Sildenafil citrate, depending on the characteristics of the body and the causes of the disease erection is restored to 100%. Under the action of Sildenafil decays cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), increases blood circulation and blood filling of the muscles of the male genital organ. In 77% of men, after taking the drug, erectile dysfunction is fully restored and the representative of a strongly half is able to perform a normal, full sexual intercourse. The drug is taken 40-50 minutes before intimacy, the action of Sildenafil lasts up to 4 hours.
Despite the effectiveness of the drug and the minimum side effects of its adoption, such effects are still observed in some cases.
Sildenafil, as doctors point out, is a purely male drug that serves to maintain and restore potency in men. Meanwhile, the properties of the main substance of the drug are able to lower the pressure in the pulmonary artery, and therefore the drug can be prescribed to people suffering from mild pulmonary hypertension. It may be women, but in such cases, the drug will carry a slightly different name.
Sildenafil for females not only reduces hypertension, but, according to specialists, has the same effect on men effect restore sexual desire.
Clinical studies for more than 3 years and about 10 years of close observation of the effectiveness of the drug in humans have not changed the first ideas about the safety and efficacy of Sildenafil. Sildenafil is well tolerated by almost all groups of men, including those who have recorded psychogenic, organic and mixed etiology of erectile dysfunction today, the drug is used worldwide, has hundreds of analogues.
The tolerance of the components of the drug is good, the number of people who have experienced serious side effects from taking Sildenafil is minimal (less than 1% of all patients who have tried the drug on themselves).
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