Erectile dysfunction can occur in any man, regardless of his age and lifestyle. Problems may appear and the guy 20 years, and an adult 30-year-old gentleman, and a man over 50 years, but they all will have different causes of erections, and the disease itself can manifest itself in different ways. In this article, we will help you find out which drugs to treat dysfunction are best used in certain situations.
When medication therapy is required
Sometimes the erection weakens once and is quickly restored – in this case, the cause of erectile dysfunction is not terrible (for example, the patient is tired after work or had a quarrel with his wife, nervous). To improve the erection do not have to run to a specialist – just calm down, relax or use a mild natural stimulant.
In other cases, erectile dysfunction may occur regularly. It is very important to establish the reason: if it is a disease, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. This can be a serious disease: diabetes mellitus, diseases of the Central nervous system, inflammation of the prostate gland, adenoma or a tumor in the prostate, the testes, hormonal disruptions, injuries of the genitourinary system and other health problems.
Methods to restore male power
Success in correction of erection depends on the neglect of the pathology that caused erectile dysfunction. If the disease was detected in the early stages, the treatment will be relatively simple, and erectile ability will return quickly. If the disease was started and complicated (for example, impotence occurred), then it is necessary to treat for a long time (sometimes the therapy lasts for 6-10 months).
Until the cause of the disorders is eliminated and the natural restoration of the erection occurs, it can be stimulated by drugs. There are different tablets, ointments, creams, the purpose of which is to strengthen the erectile function of men. The principle of operation of these stimulators depends on what is included in their composition:
- Drugs with phosphodiesterase inhibitors of type 5. This is the main and most powerful stimulating agent that quickly increases blood flow in the genitals and thus eliminates violations for a while, causes a strong and long erection. These drugs include Viagra, Cialis, Udenafil.
- Drugs which are present in the composition of NO-synthase activators. The principle of operation of these funds is based on the reduction of spazmirovannah muscles and enhance blood circulation in the genitals.
- Hormonal preparation. Drugs of this group are released in drugstores and only on medical prescriptions. They exert a powerful action and has sufficiently many contraindications – appointed only as a drastic measures for treating erectile dysfunction resulting from a lack of testosterone or another hormone.
- Tablets, capsules, ointments, gels with natural composition. Such means have lower efficiency in comparison with the artificial stimulants listed above. They can not immediately remove violations, are not able to immediately extend the erection – they should be taken within a couple of weeks, the accumulated trace elements gradually have a restoring result.
The top three
Among the drugs listed above, Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are considered to be the most popular and effective (according to the responses of men with disabilities). That is why we will focus on these funds a little more.
For many years it is considered the strongest stimulator of male erection. It should be taken 30-40 minutes before the planned sexual intercourse. Valid for 7-10 hours.
There is this means and its shortcomings. First of all, it is an impressive list of contraindications. Blue tablets for erectile function can not be taken on an empty stomach and ulcer, as the drug is able to provoke gastrointestinal disease (gastritis, erosion, ulcer). You can not take an erection stimulator with alcohol, as it threatens a strong increase in blood pressure and, as a consequence, heart disorders.
In the same way as Viagra, this drug can take over half an hour before the planned sex. But the tool works much longer than the famous blue pill, – the improvement of erectile function after Cialis male be observed for 36 hours. It is because of the longer effect of the drug price is higher than that of Viagra.
Of course, the drug has contraindications. Of the most important prohibitions on the use of Cialis, it is worth noting problems with the cardiovascular system (since the drug from erectile dysfunction helps to increase blood pressure).
Levitra is the third drug, which is considered the best remedy for erectile dysfunction in men. Unlike their competitors, Levitra is beginning to act much faster. Within 20 minutes after taking the pill, a man can experience quite a strong erection. But the duration of its effect is a little lower improvement will be observed for approximately 4 hours.
What is important to know about the above drugs: all drugs (except hormonal drugs) are not drugs and do not treat a man. They only temporarily remove the symptom. After the substance that is part of the drug is removed from the body, the symptoms of erectile dysfunction return to the man. That is why drugs to enhance erection in any case should not cancel the medical treatment prescribed by the doctor. Stimulants can be taken only in parallel with drugs – then the erection will be strengthened, and the disease is defeated!
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